Training And Awareness Materials

Training on the issue of human trafficking has become incredibly important in Minnesota and around the country. MNHTTF does not endorse or recommend any particular people or organizations, but has identified the following local and national training materials, reports, and resources to help share reliable information throughout Minnesota.

Local Training & Awareness Materials: 

The Advocates for Human Rights Sex Trafficking and Safe Harbor Resource Packet and Labor Trafficking Self Assessment Card

The goal of the resource packet is to facilitate the movement to combat trafficking by providing accessible, consistent information about sex trafficking and the Safe Harbor law. Materials include a PowerPoint presentation, supplemental handouts, and resources for specific systems professionals.

The goal of this self-assessment card is to provide works with discreet and easy-to-carry information about labor trafficking.

Labor Trafficking Self-Assessment Card

Ramsey County Attorney’s Office – Training Materials

Safe Harbor Youth Outreach Materials

The Safe Harbor Youth Outreach Materials aim to build awareness of the Safe Harbor Program and motivate youth to reach out for help, when ready. Those who are in close contact with sexually exploited youth and at-risk youth can use the outreach materials to create awareness of the issue and the Safe Harbor Program.

In human trafficking, those who are most vulnerable are often the most difficult to reach. The Safe Harbor materials were carefully designed with insight from youth who are or have been involved in sexual exploitation, and youth prevention peer advocates.

The Safe Harbor Communications Toolkit (PDF) is a guide to the outreach materials, and how you can use those materials to best reach at-risk youth.

Help us build awareness of Safe Harbor in your community. These materials are available free of charge.

For more information visit Safe Harbor Programs at the Minnesota Department of Health.

National Training & Awareness Materials

Articles & Reports

View Minnesota-based articles, reports, and publications.